Friday, May 18, 2012

طريقة عمل اقسام لمدونة بلوجر بالصور

طريقة عمل اقسام لمدونة بلوجر بالصور

إذا اردنا إنشاء أقسام للمدونة مثلا :قسم برامج ,قسم دروس,قسم ألعاب..الخ أو قسم دروس فتوشوب ,قسم ملحقات الفتوشوب...الخ بالشكل هذا

ما عليك سوى الذهاب إلى (قائمة تخطيط )ومن ثم (عناصر الصفحة) ثم( إضافة أداة) واختر من القائمة (أداة التسميات)بالشكل هذا :

هنا نقوم بعمل حفظ فقط يعني ما نغير أي شي إلا إذا أردت تغيير الاسم من( مسميات )الى (اقسام المدونة ) فهذا راجع لك انظر الشكل التالي : 

عندما نقوم بإنشاء موضوع جديد من قائمة الرسائل نكتب بالأسفل اسم القسم المراد وضع المقالة فيه فمثلا مقالة عن الفوتشوب نضعها في قسم ( دروس الفوتوشوب ) . انظر الصورة : 

ثم أقوم بمعاينة الموضوع والتحقق من انه لا يوجد فيه أخطاء أخيرا أقوم بعمل نشر للموضوع لكي يظهر في الصفحة الرئيسية وهكذا ..... 

في حالة وجود مواضيع قديمة في مدونتك ولكن هذا المواضيع قد قمت بنشرها قبل وضع أي أقسام في المدونة واردت الآن أن تقوم بوضعهما كل موضوع في قسمة المناسب ... هنا اوريك كيف الطريقة :
نذهب الى تحرير الرسائل ثم نقوم بوضع علامة صح أمام كل موضوع ماله قسم وننقلها إلى قسمها المناسب . فمثل
ا عندي موضوعين أريد أن ادخلهما في قسم الفوتوشوب أضع علامة صح عليهما . انظر الصورة :

ثم من خانة أجراءات التسمية ننزل بالسهم ونختار القسم المناسب للموضوع . انظر الصورة : 

وهكذا قمنا بوضع المواضيع القديمة التي لم توضع في أقسامها من قبل بهذه الطريقة ،،،،،،، ودمتم بخير !!!

نتائج الانتخابات الرئاسية للمصريين بالخارج

نتائج الانتخابات الرئاسية للمصريين بالخارج

أُغلق باب الترشح، الخميس 17 مايو، لأول انتخابات رئاسية مصرية بعد ثورة 25 يناير، والتي كانت قد بدأت الجمعة 11 مايو وعلي مدار سبعة أيام، أدلي المصريون فيها بأصواتهم لاختيار أول رئيس منتخب بإرادة شعبية.
ومن المعروف أن الانتخابات الرئاسية للمصريين داخلها ستنطلق الأربعاء والخميس 23 و24 مايو القادمين.

تابع النتائج بالتعليقات

Diamond Earrings

Diamond Earrings

A pair of earrings is the jewelry worn closest to the face, making it the ultimate beauty accessory. Well-cut diamond earrings add an extra sparkle to an already dazzling smile and twinkling eyes. When a woman puts on a pair of diamond earrings, it’s the finishing touch that completes her look.
As a gift, you have the choice of timeless diamond studs, playful and contemporary hoops, and dramatic drop earrings.
Diamond Stud Earrings
A pair of diamond stud earrings is timeless jewelry and a coveted staple in a woman’s wardrobe. This classic makes for the perfect first gift of diamonds.
Diamond stud earrings, which are available in many carat sizes, offer options in different price ranges. The most popular style is the classic round, brilliant diamond set in 14K white gold. A new favorite is princess cut diamonds. They are square or slightly rectangular in shape with pointed corners and an array of intricate facets that bring out the diamonds’ inherent brilliance.
Diamond Hoops
Diamond hoop earrings create a playful, contemporary look for the flirty and free-spirited. During the day, they add sophistication to the classic jeans and t-shirt look. They effortlessly transition into the evening, adding a bit of dazzle to a Little Black Dress. Diamond hoops offer many setting styles to choice from to create a distinctive look.
Diamond Drop Earrings
Diamond drop earrings feel and look luxurious. There is nothing more seductive than the flash of light reflected off of a woman’s diamond drop earrings. Or how they respond to her every movement. With an updo hairstyle for evening, drop earrings elongate the neck and add radiance to the face and collarbone. They are statement pieces that add a luxurious look to a special evening.

Conflict-Free Diamonds

Conflict-Free Diamonds

At we source our diamonds from the world’s best, most respected and largest diamond suppliers. We make every effort, as do our suppliers to ensure that we do not knowingly purchase or sell any conflict diamonds. We buy only from suppliers who warrant that their diamonds are from sources free from conflict. We are committed to the highest standards on behalf of our customers.
At we comply with the Kimberley Process. In 2000, the world adopted the Kimberley Process, a UN-Mandated process that assures customers that 99% of diamonds are sourced free of conflict. If you would like more information, please consult the following site
What are conflict diamonds?
Conflict diamonds, also known as “blood” diamonds, are diamonds whose profit is used to finance illegal operations of rebel, military or terrorists’ movements or their allies, aimed at overtaking legitimate government.
What areas of the world are affected by conflict diamonds?
The fighting that is fueled by the trade of conflict diamonds has been relegated to few Central and West African countries, including Sierra Leone, Angola, The Democratic Republic of Congo, and Liberia.
What has the diamond industry done about conflict diamonds?
The global diamond industry created the Kimberly Process to ensure that conflict diamonds are kept out of the retail market.
What is the Kimberley Process?
The Kimberley Process is a UN mandated international certification scheme aimed to prevent the trade of conflict diamonds while helping to protect the legitimate trade of rough diamonds. The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) outlines the provisions by which the trade of rough diamonds is to occur.
At, we comply with the Kimberley Process.
What is’s position on conflict diamonds?
At we source our diamonds from the world’s best, most respected and largest diamond suppliers.
We make every effort, as do our suppliers, to ensure that we do not purchase or sell any conflict diamonds. We buy from suppliers who warrant that their diamonds are from sources free from conflict.
We are committed to the highest standards on behalf of our customers.

Diamond Education 2012

Diamond Education 2012

Buying diamonds can be exhilarating, but choosing the perfect diamond can have its challenges if you’re not quite sure what to look for. At, we guide you every step of the way, making it easy for you to find diamond jewelry that fits both your budget and your personal style. Our extensive Education section provides you with the information you need to make informed decisions on your own, but if you prefer the help of one of our diamond advisors in real-time, we are also available to guide you by phone or live chat.
A diamond’s quality is typically evaluated according to four major characteristics: carat, cut, color and clarity. Experts rely on these characteristics, also known as the 4Cs, to objectively compare and grade diamonds. The 4C system was developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) back in the 1940s and ‘50s, and is now considered an industry standard. The GIA is one of the world’s most respected authorities on diamonds, colored gemstones, and pearls, and it is this institution that certifies and grades the majority of’s loose diamonds. Since the slightest change in a diamond’s grading can significantly alter its value, understanding the 4Cs is key when choosing your diamond. The characteristics of one – carat, color, clarity, or cut – affects the others, which is why balancing each of the 4Cs is essential to finding the perfect diamond for your budget.
Diamond Certification

Loose diamonds from are graded by the world’s most respected grading entities: the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and American Gem Society Laboratories (AGS). Each of our loose diamonds is accompanied by a grading report that includes a detailed explanation of the diamond’s characteristics, including the number of carats, the diamond’s color, its clarity, cut, and dimensions. A certified diamond’s quality is guaranteed, and this makes it more valuable than an uncertified stone. All of our diamonds are also procured from authorized sources and validated through the Kimberley Process, an international certification process that uses strict requirements to control the production of rough diamonds and prevent illicit stones from entering the legitimate diamond trade

Philly Fed Index Thumbed Down in May 2012

 Philly Fed Index Thumbed Down in May 2012

Today, the fifth survey of 2012 for the Philly Fed Manufacturing Index for May was published: this survey estimates the U.S. manufacturing conditions changed direction from growth to contraction during May; the Philly Fed index tumbled down from +8.5 in April to -5.8 in May. Indexes of prices also decreased that may suggest the price pressures were moderated. Currently, the American stock markets are traded down. Gold and silver prices are spiking.   
This survey also estimates the general employment condition has also declined during the time of the survey.  If this indicator provides a good estimate of the economic progress of the U.S, it may suggest a slowdown in the manufacturing progress of the U.S during May compared with the manufacturing conditions during April 2012.
In the previous monthly survey, the news of the Philly Fed Manufacturing Index didn’t seem to affect the financial markets including stocks, forex and commodities plausibly due to the small change in the index.
Today’s report might adversely affect the American stock markets, energy prices including natural gas and crude oil but may be among the factors to pull up gold and silver because it rekindles the speculation around another QE program as the U.S economy is slowing down.

Gold and Silver Prices Outlook for May 2012

Gold and Silver Prices Outlook for May 2012

The bullion market has slowed down during the past three months: during February gold declined by 1.67%, during March by 2.3% and during April by 0.42%. Silver hasn’t done any better. The recent FOMC meeting didn’t affect Precious Metals at the end of April. Since the Fed didn’t introduce additional monetary steps to jump-start the U.S economy and the situation in the Euro Zone hasn’t improved the precious metals prices much like the Euro/USD haven’t  moved much during the month. Will this stalemate in the precious metals market continue in May?
Let’s examine the precious metals market for April and provide a short outlook for gold and silver for May 2012.
Gold and Silver April 2012
Gold and silver prices decreased during most of April, even though for several parts of the month there was an unclear trend for both metals as they have zigzagged from gains to losses.

Gold (as of April 27th) declined by 0.42%; silver, even more than gold, dropped by 3.3%.
Let’s divide April into two parts: the table below divides the month to two with the breaking point at April 12th; I divide the month on April 12th because that was after the effects of the U.S employment report and U.S jobless claims came into play; during the first part of April, gold edged up by 0.5% and silver price by 0.1%. During the second part of April, silver declined by 3.4% and gold price by 0.9%.
Gold price outlook and Silver prices FORECAST  us dollar euro percent change  April 2012 May
During the first part of April, the U.S dollar depreciated against the Canadian dollar and Australian dollar, but appreciated against the Euro; the first two currencies are usually strongly correlated with gold and silver prices. During the second part of the month, the U.S dollar depreciated against not only the Aussie dollar and Canadian dollar but also the Euro; this shift might have adversely affected gold and silver prices during the second part of the month.

Gold & Silver Prices Daily Outlook 18-5-2012

5-2012-Gold & Silver Prices Daily Outlook 18

Gold and silver prices took a sharp turn and sharply rose yesterday. Gold recorded the sharpest single day gain this year (UTD).
The Philly Fed Index tumbled down to -5.8 in May; this news may have rallied bullion prices but traded down U.S stock indexes and oil prices. This news along with the recent minutes of the FOMC meeting from April may have rekindled the speculation around QE3.  
On today’s agenda: GB 10 Year Bond Auction and Canada’s Core CPI. Currently precious metals prices are rising.        
Here is a short outlook for gold and silver prices for Friday, May 18th:
Precious Metals – May Update
Gold price spiked on Thursday by 2.49% to $1,574.6; silver also rose by 3.03% to $28.02. During the month gold declined by 5.37% and silver by 12.32%.
The chart below presents the normalized prices of metals during month so far (both metals rates are normalized to 100 as of April 30th).

Gold price forecast & silver prices 2012  May 18The ratio between two precious metals changed direction and decrease yesterday to 56.21. During the month the ratio rose by 4.75% as silver has moderately under-performed gold during the month. In the chart below are the developments of this ratio during May.
Ratio Gold price forecast & silver prices 2012 May 18Philly Fed Manufacturing Index Fell to -5.8 in May
In the recent May survey, the Philly Fed Manufacturing Index tumbled from +8.5 in April to -5.8 in May 2012. This shift is a negative signal for the developments in the U.S economy. Furthermore, along with the recent minutes of the FOMC meeting, the speculation around another quantitative easing was rekindled again.
If this trend will continue this index may adversely affect not only U.S Dollar but also gold prices (the recent Philly Fed review);
U.S. Jobless Claims Remained Unchanged
According to the recent report the jobless claims remained unchanged at 370,000. This news doesn’t change much the current situation in the U.S and doesn’t look well for the progress of the U.S. jobless claims.
On Today’s Agenda
Canada’s Core CPI: According to the Canadian CPI report for March 2012, the core CPI excluding food and energy increased by 1.9% from March 2011 to March 2012. This report might affect the Canadian dollar, which is also strongly correlated with bullion prices

عمر خيام -الذكرى 964 لميلاد عمر خيام

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أهم اكتشافات عمر خيام

عمر خيام هو عالم فارسي ولد في ايران ما بين 1038 و1048، وتوفي فيها ما بين 1123 و1124م.

رغم شهرة الخيام بكونه شاعرا فقد كان من علماء الرياضيات في عصره، واشتهر بالجبر واشتغل في تحديد التقويم السنوي للسلطان ملكشاه، والذي صار التقويم الفارسي المتبع إلى اليوم.
وهو أوّل من اخترع طريقة حساب المثلثات ومعادلات جبرية من الدرجة الثالثة بواسطة قطع المخروط، وهو أول من أستخدم الكلمة العربية "شي" التي رسمت في الكتب العلمية الإسبانية (Xay) وما لبثت أن استبدلت بالتدريج بالحرف الأول منها "x" الذي أصبح رمزاً عالمياً للعدد المجهول، وقد وضع الخيام تقويما سنوياً بالغ الدقة، وقد تولى الرصد في مرصد أصفهان.

إسهاماته العلمية

أهم اكتشافات عمر خيام

ترجع شهرته إلى عمله في الرياضيات حيث حلَّ معادلات الدرجة الثانية بطرق هندسية وجبرية. كما نظم المعادلات وحاول حلها كلها، ووصل إلى حلول هندسية جزئية لمعظمها. وقد بحث في نظرية ذات الحدين عندما يكون الأس صحيحاً موجباً، ووضع طرقاً لإيجاد الكثافة النوعية. لم ينبغ الخيام في الرياضيات فحسب، بل برع أيضاً في الفلك. وقد طلب منه السلطان "ملكشاه" سنة 467هـ/1074م مساعدته في تعديل التقويم الفارسي القديم. ويقول "سارطون" إن تقويم الخيام كان أدق من التقويم الجريجوري.